Mister President of the Repubblic

Sen. Oscar Luigi Scalfaro

Palazzo del Quirinale









Dear Sign. President,

             as you will already know, the Medical Commission Hospital of the Ministry of Health, Directorate General Services Social Medicine, under the Law 25.2.92 No. 210 issued on 26.4.95 The trial of "causal link between vaccination and the infirmities of Alberto, Recognizing "the outcome of encephalopathy in a subject vaccination Antipolo Sabin. "

             This does justice to the suffering of Alberto and the story of our human family.

             I trust that what happened might mark a different attitude class medical and Parliament's mandatory vaccination.

             I'm writing to thank you had the attention towards us, getting to interview Prefecture in Verona, for the meaning and impact even indirect gesture that has certainly been on the whole affair.

I offer you best wishes for the successful fulfillment of the mandate Presidential.              Like the most cordial greetings.


                                                                              Giorgio Tremante



Giorgio & Alberto Tremante

Via Fratelli Rosselli 6 / b

37138 Verona


Admission by the Ministry of Health that the damage suffered by my children was caused by vaccine

Article by “Corriere della Sera” on May 6 OF 1995


.How many of these and many already known "Cases trembling" should happen even before the institutions give to prevent these genocides?
Not fake promises never kept, but with actions to prevent such tragedies.
Here is perhaps as:

1 - removing the requirement that vaccine now has become anachronistic in 2000.

2 - Giving the correct information to people not only on the supposed benefits, but simultaneously in the "real" damage that these practices include so used indiscriminately as has been done so far.

3 - proposing an immunological preventive screening on all subjects that may be subjected to the practice of immunization.
4 - Revaluation Finally, the budget "cost - benefit" through a serious and proper epidemiological research, free from the power of multinationals.

YEAR 1995

Letter from the President of the Council of Ministers - Social Affairs Bureau
(always warm words of praise, but which are not translated into concrete)

Article by journal "The Arena" on 2 June 1995
(emphasizes the need of information on damage caused by vaccines)